Making a Video Tutorial

Well, if we don't have a project in "Interactive Multimedia Authoring" I won't be able to share this small but awesome softwares needed in creating a video tutorial (IT-related), of course. Here are the softwares, as stated on the image above: 1. ZD Soft Recorder 4 : supports several screen recording modes: Desktop Recorder mode: create software demos. Video Recorder mode: capture streaming videos. Game Recorder mode: record PC game play. Webcam Recorder mode: capture video from webcam. 2. ZoomIt is a desktop zoom and annotation tool, that enables you to zoom your desktop with your wheel mouse or the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard. It is activated with a customizable keyboard shortcut, and can also be used to draw on your desktop (with or without zoom), using a customizable color and pen width. ZoomIt is very convenient to use, it does not require any additional windows to open or close, and even includes a customizable break timer th...