This is not your typical anime. Although it only spun for 12 wonderful episodes, it will surely leave you an impression. The main protagonist in the anime is Ichiko Sakura. She had been blessed with the inherent gift of being extremely lucky and she is also able to absorb the luck of the people around her causing the gods to send Momiji Binboda to restore the energy balance on Earth by stealing the Fortune Energy of Ichiko. This anime shows us the severe level of difficulty in putting other people’s need before ours. Humans are naturally self-centered. I think that it is one of the main traits that are actually needed by us humans to survive. People in the history grew in power because of this trait and secured their future and their next generation’s future. It is as natural as the feeling of annoyance you get when you bring food for yourself and your friends, even the people you’re not close to, ask to have a share of your food. If you think about it, being self-center...