How to make your boyfriend stop playing games?
1. “Let’s do this together” – recommend a hobby you can do together.This is somehow confusing, what activities/hobbies a girl and boy can enjoy together?. .Tsk..From my point of view there's no problem in playing computer/online games as long as you know how to prioritize and manage your time. It's a choice between living meat and electric but will never leave you thing ,after all. Anyway, we have our own definition of happiness.
2. “But apart from that hobby, you’re such a great man” – wound his manly pride.This is funny, once I found something that interest me, I never stop on it until I reached what I want. Talking to a man and telling him that stop playing games and make him do physical task is invading a piece of right.(hahaha)
3. “Games are all very well, but why don’t you spend some more time with me?” – fawn over him .This is sweet but at the same time annoying. Not all the time that a couple should be together. Be happy because he is just playing games and not playing with you! LOL
4. “I’m not interested in games at all!” – tell him straight up you’re not interested in his stupid hobby .Ouch! It may lead to break-up for me! haha
5. “How long are you planning on playing this!?” – bluntly reject his gaming .This is again so OUCH! Men cries, you know! 0.O
6. “If you won’t stop, I’ll do something you’ll not like either!” – make him feel the same way .Now, this is so selfish. Let your boy be happy. Always remember that you shop which a guy mostly doesn't like but we never say it directly on you. Be gentle even if you are a lady.
7. “My friends were saying how sick they are of their gamer boyfriends!” – borrow someone else’s words .This might work, I think so. :)
8. “If you won’t spend time with me it makes me feel lonely. Shall I just go home?” Complain how unhappy you are .Haha.. Blackmailing is bad. :P
9. “Are you going to play those things even when you’re 50?” – evoke images of his future .Mostly a gamer forgets about his/her future..hahaha :)
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