Learning VB 6.0

I've been sleepless lately, well not because I was playing my Pockie Ninja , this time it's for the sake of education  because I have some project to catch up. And it was quite fun and I learned a lot from Google and my brother YouTube. Thanks to the two of them because our professor discussed only the basics  like creating a database, connecting it and creating and inserting  data to the table.  I preferred the method that is being used by our professor because it's quite simple unlike the others ("I DON'T REALLY KNOW A LOT" ) and they were complicated. Just creating database composes of how many lines. Tsskk...

Non formal education and experience are really the best! Upon spending two nights I was able to achieved the following:

  • The KeyPress event - which is helpful for me because I just want the user to enter an integer for an ID  just  by some simple statements and condition. It is quite amazing. Hehehe
  • The error handling- instead the system/project  will terminate it will still continue but will give a notice and still the project will proceed. I use this when the table exists already, because it's not good to drop it everytime the form loads.
  • Manage to avoid duplicate entries- I think this is very important yet simple.
  • Use the Combox (Dropdown List) and fill the other values into textboxes. 
  • Learn also to use "App.Path" statement which I consider less hassle because it is so boring to change the directory of the database always when using another computer. 
  • The Admin and User Log In -  been able to learn it also.
But improving the interface is quite unimportant for me unlike webpage which I am familiar with CSS and HTML. I love designing web stuffs but I am totally no in Programming. Hehehe


What I'm trying to achieve is to get data from one Form to another, been searching it but found VB,NET only and I'm lazy enough to read about it. I'm not done with my project but I'm halfway there.

Here is my humble project, it's not yet finished but it may help you to start learning VB 6.0 also:


Password for RAR File: mattmorz

By the way, the system I'm trying to create for our project is a simple Billing system. No Sales Report yet, just use it as reference.

UPDATE: I'm almost finish with this project, the only problem left is the sales report.


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