So, you have a twitter now? If you don't have it then this will be impossible to do. haha
Seriously, sign-up! It's free. :D
On the serious side, Twitter and Facebook is popular today and so with blogging. What we are going to do is automatically tweet you new blog posts. Less hassle, and less effort on you side. You don't need to log-in to your Twitter account, each time you want to share your new blog posts to your followers.
Here's how to do it:
1. Log in to FeedBurner then burn your rss feed. If you don't know how, check this video.
Don't finish the video just until 1:20sec.
2. After creating your FeedBurner Feed just follow the instruction on the images (click the images if you can't read it clearly)
Feel free to ask, suggest and comment regarding this post/blog. You can also contact me through e-mail, just always use the contact page. Thank you for visiting this blog.
Keep track of your Splinterlands assets or income by using this tool: All you have to do is key in your username in Splinterlands. The values are rough estimates only, exchange rates are fetch from coingecko and your DEC, CREDITS and CARDS are from Splinterlands API. The values are in PHP and computed using the following method: DEC value is computed by multiplying your DEC to its rate in peso. CARDS value is calculated by adding all your cards using the last price from the market (which is in dollar) then it is multiplied to dollar to peso exchange rate. SPS value is computed by multiplying your SPS to its rate in peso. CREDITS is computed by dividing it in 1000 and multiplying to dollar to peso exchange rate.
This is the result: Live Demo And the code for this is: For CSS Mark-Up, Paste is before ]]></b:skin> a.demo{ background:skyblue; padding:5px 20px 5px 20px; text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:18px; border:#e1e1e1 1px solid; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 8px 6px -6px black; -moz-box-shadow: 0 8px 6px -6px black; box-shadow: 0 8px 6px -6px black; color:#e1e1e1; } a:link.demo,a:visited.demo{ text-decoration:none; } a:active.demo {text-decoration: none;color:gray;padding:4px 20px 4px 20px;} a:hover.demo {text-decoration: none;box-shadow:none; } and this is how we use it. For HTML Mark-Up <a class="demo" href=" LINK OF THE PAGE HERE " title="see it live">Live Demo</a> Every time we use this button just define the link by putting " class="demo" " just like the above example. You can customize the background, font and color ...
Splinterlands has been fun for me! I love strategy games, coming from NarutoArena way back 2000s, this NFT game is enjoyable. Being a beginner, to get your rank up from Bronze III to Bronze II is hard compared to Bronze II to I. I guess because in B3 the only ruleset is Standard (no restrictions except mana costs) making it hard to select/build your splinter in battle. In this post, I'll be sharing my water deck. I rented the cards below. Summoner : Alric Stormbringer +1 Magic to splinters and just 3 mana cost. This makes this summoner great. Tank : Lobstradamus For its hit points at 9 and ability to reduce damage from melee and range attacker, and just 6 mana cost this is a great tank although it is slow. Adding the +1 magic from Alric, you have 2 direct damage per attack. Support: Venari Wavesmith This card adds armor to friendly monsters (plus +2 direct damage per turn), although it has 5 mana cost having this gives your low HP splinters protection fr...
Yes, Twitter and Facebook is indeed great places to share content! And this is a really great tip. Thank you for sharing it. :-)