Display Post View Count: The Easiest Way

What I mean about the easiest way, is no JavaScript , no sign-up, no PHP codes and it loads very fast.

Nah, here's the demo showing it.

Well, I've been quite since I'm busy at school. This would be my last post in February.

Let's do this:

First, from Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML then find, <data:post.body/>

Then paste this code below or above it:

<span class='post-counter'>
Post Views:<img height='25' src='http://counters.branica.com/?i=2&amp;u=false&amp;ox=10&amp;oy=17&amp;c=000000&amp;b=transparent.png&amp;f=Terminator.ttf&amp;fn=false&amp;w=110&amp;h=25&amp;s=10' style='border: 0px; margin-bottom: -8px; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: -5px; padding: 0px;' width='110'/>

Then Save it.

Post Views: - change the text with your preference.
2 - change it with your preferred initial count, numbers only
u=false - change it to "true" for unique visits.
fn=false - change it to "true" to add comma in counter.

If you have problem placing it. Just comment below!
Credits goes to: www.branica.com

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