It has been, well...overwhelming.HAHA Actually, it's quite fun and I have discovered that my codes in the previous month was so...(what's the right term?) messy and makes my head shake. New Me : Hey old self, that was a disaster and the ugliest code I've ever seen. Old Me: works! Upon testing all its functionalities, lots of bugs I've found. Although it's not that major but still, a bug is a bug. Let's talk about history...I've been working this web application in which I need to add multiple layers (flood events) for each river basin. So, my old me did this: if (!myflag1 && "Agaton 2014" == a) { mainit_tubay_bldg_agaton = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Mainit-Tubay Agaton 2014 Affected Buildings", { strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed()], eventListeners: { loadend: function(a) { map.zoomToExtent(mainit_tubay_bldg_agaton.getDataExtent()); $("#load_tabl...