Creating a Pop-up Contact Form

Before we start this is the DEMO. You will be redirected to my another blog. LOL
Just scroll down and click the SUBMIT A FILE!. Too much for the demo.

Here's how to do it.

1. Go to this SITE. Sign up, don't complain it a very fast and an easy procedure.
2. After you sign-up, you need to log-in, of course.
3. Start adding form by clicking on the top-right
4. You will be given a 2 option, choose number 1.

Add Form
1. Go to the Template section. I'd like to choose from a list of pre-made forms.
2. Take me to the Form Builder. I'd like to create my own form.
5. Start customizing, it's so easy.
6. Save the Form that you have created. After saving, go back to MY FORM.

 7. You will be redirected here. Follow the instruction on the image.
8. The whole script is look like this. Just an example, use the code provided by the site.
 <script type="text/javascript">
function emf_open_window(url, height, width) {
var leftPos = 0;
var topPos = 0;
if (screen) {
leftPos = (screen.width - width) / 2;
topPos = (screen.height - height) / 2;, null, 'width='+width+',height='+height+',left='+leftPos+',top='+topPos+', toolbar=0, location=0, status=1, scrollbars=1, resizable=1');

<a href='' title='Contact Form' target='_blank' onclick="emf_open_window(this.href, 761, 700); return false">Fill out my form!</a>
9. In your Blog, Go to Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML then find ]]></b:skin> then paste the BLUE CODE after it.
10. The RED CODE can be place anywhere you want. You can change the "Fill out my form!" to "Contact Me" or anything you want.

That's it!

UPDATE: Create a Contact Form in Google Docs


  1. Jessica7/23/2012

    Thanks for this! Just what I was looking for!

  2. You can use google docs also as contact form. I updated this post.


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