Downloading Entire Album in PicasaWeb Made Easy

If your planning to create a gallery/album type blog, you better create an album in PicasaWeb rather than uploading it here in your post so that it will have a separate album from your blog's album.

Then, just browse the image from PicasaWeb as you insert it here. It will be more convenient to your reader cause they will have an option to download the specific album.

Here's how to do it:

Upgrade your account as Google +.

1. You just need the direct link of the album.

<a href= "LINK OF THE ALBUM" target="_blank"> Download </a>
2.  Then the reader will have an option to download the entire album by clicking the link that you've created and this is how to download it.

All the images in the album will be downloaded as ZIP/RAR file, just extract it.

Note: Make sure not to upload nude pictures or else someone will report. haha


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