27 it is!

Wow! Time flies so fast, I'm 27 now. Just 3 more years and I'll be 30 (best in Math). If no girl will show up on that moment I promised to myself that I will travel (the world) alone. HAHA

I'll enjoy my life (more). I have read or heard somewhere that,
Men can survive without love but women can't live without it.
 That, I don't know!

Sometimes I feel empty, like soulless and for some reason it's because I chose to. I evaluate my feelings towards other people several times before making any move like talking to them, being with them. I get emotional sometimes if that person is important to me (the aspect of myself that really needs improvement). I don't know, I'm not comfortable with other people. Well, I guess lots of people that knew me doesn't take me seriously. HAHA

Thank You God for keeping
my family safe and healthy.
Thank You for sending and
surrounding me with good people.
Thank You for this extended life.
I'm sorry for not being a good follower to You.
But still, you gave me too much of what I truly deserved.
Thanks for giving me a great father.
Thanks for giving me a strong mother.
Thank You for giving me wonderful siblings.
Although I've made a lot of mistakes in my life,
I'm glad that it turned out this way.
Thank You! 27 it is!

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