Splinterlands: Water Deck for Beginners

Splinterlands has been fun for me! 

I love strategy games, coming from NarutoArena way back 2000s, this NFT game is enjoyable. Being a beginner, to get your rank up from Bronze III to Bronze II is hard compared to Bronze II to I. I guess because in B3 the only ruleset is Standard (no restrictions except mana costs) making it hard to select/build your splinter in battle. 

In this post, I'll be sharing my water deck. I rented the cards below.

water deck splinterlands

Summoner: Alric Stormbringer

+1 Magic to splinters and just 3 mana cost. This makes this summoner great.


 For its hit points at 9 and ability to reduce damage from melee and range attacker, and just 6 mana cost this is a great tank although it is slow. Adding the +1 magic from Alric, you have 2 direct damage per attack.


This card adds armor to friendly monsters (plus +2 direct damage per turn), although it has 5 mana cost having this gives your low HP splinters protection from range and melee hits, specially if your opponent is fast and has the sneak or opportunity ability.

I use this card if the ruleset is "Lost Magic", I just use the playable cards like Serpent of Eld, Deeplurket, etc.

Rented this card also for slowing enemy and sometimes use as meat shield, position it in the back or next to the tank on second position.


Love this card, Sneak ability +2 direct damage, with Alric, that +3 damage per turn.

I got lucky to have this card by opening CL pack, a great damager +3 magic attack plus 1 from Alric. Place this in the backline as it can absorb hits because of its 9 HP.

Love this card, it's fast so your opponent might miss and it's magic! +2 direct damage per turn with Alric. Pair this with Creeping Ooze.
Here's few of my battles at Bronze II:


All are cheap in Card Rentals store except Alric.


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