My New Template

So this past days, I've been busy creating and customizing template instead of making my Final Project in Data Structure. I'ts really hard to design if you are not a designer. LOL
old template
My old template has the ff:
  1. Auto Read more script
  2. Twitter Feed
  3. Disqus Comment
  4. Related Stories
  5. Recent Comment Script
I also integrated my Anime Songs Compilation.
new template
On the other hand, my new template has the ff:

  1. Twitter Feed
  2. Social Network Button every post
I remove the ff:
  1. Disqus comment: I use the blogger comment, not the threaded one.
  2. Auto Read more script: I will manually use the jump break in each posts (*sob)
I also put the Adsense on the footer. That's it! 

Further changes soon! :P


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