Auto-Tweet Your New Blog Post

So, you have a twitter now? If you don't have it then this will be impossible to do. haha
Seriously, sign-up! It's free. :D

On the serious side, Twitter and Facebook is  popular today and so with blogging. What we are going to do is automatically tweet you new blog posts. Less hassle, and less effort on you side. You don't need to log-in to your Twitter account, each time you want to share your new blog posts to your followers.

Here's how to do it:

1. Log in to FeedBurner then burn your rss feed. If you don't know how, check this video.

Don't finish the video just until 1:20sec.

2. After creating your FeedBurner Feed just follow the instruction on the images (click the images if you can't read it clearly)



That's it! Any thoughts? :D


  1. Yes, Twitter and Facebook is indeed great places to share content! And this is a really great tip. Thank you for sharing it. :-)


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