Google Products That You Should Use

Of course, Google has been good to us. It helps us create a blog using Blogger, have an e-mail through Gmail, and mostly earn money from Google Adsense. But what are the other products and services of Google that we should acquire? Here are the list that may found useful  to you, excluding YouTube, Google Search of course, cause we all know about it.

  • Google Drive
    • This is Google Docs before, it enable you to create forms, documents, spreadsheets, presentations and even store files up to 5GB for free online. Isn't it nice? You can also set each file as public, private or unlisted. 
  • Picasa Web Album
    • By default all the images that has been uploaded using Blogger as your blog platform were stored in Picasa. You can upload photos, create albums up to 1GB and control its accessibility. You can also embed and create a slideshow from your albums.
  • Google Code
    • This enables you to store scripts; e.g. css, javascripts. Also, host these scripts/project and use it  on your site/blog.
  • Google Plus
    • More like Facebook + Twitter, enable you to interacts within your 'circles' and you can create a page also for your site. Follow your interests, etc.
  • Google Sites
    • Enables you to create web pages easily. Just few clicks and you'll be able to create web pages and some built-in templates also that you can choose.
  • FeedBurner
    • Feed provider with a lot of services, analytics and allows subscription from reader through email.

Google Maps and Google Earth might be included. After all, these products and services were free.  So, why not use it. 


  1. Great list although the Feedburner service is being withdrawn so you should remove it.

    1. Oh really? What do you mean by withdrawn? Google doesn't own FeedBurner anymore?


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