Auto-calculate your Splinterlands Assets/Income


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Keep track of your Splinterlands assets or income by using this tool:

All you have to do is key in your username in Splinterlands. 


The values are rough estimates only, exchange rates are fetch from coingecko and your DEC, CREDITS and CARDS are from Splinterlands API. The values are in PHP and computed using the following method:

  • DEC value is computed by multiplying your DEC to its rate in peso.
  • CARDS value is calculated by adding all your cards using the last price from the market (which is in dollar) then it is multiplied to dollar to peso exchange rate.
  • SPS value is computed by multiplying your SPS to its rate in peso.
  • CREDITS is computed by dividing it in 1000 and multiplying to dollar to peso exchange rate.


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